Class Leveling Bonuses
At Level 1, Brawlers may be the best around town, but they have yet to be truly tested. They can choose 3 Universal Abilities and 2 Level 1 Abilities from their Subclass before the campaign begins. Every time a Brawler levels up, they can add or switch out a Skill/Spell from their Class’ Ability List that is equal or less than their current level. Characters cannot exceed 12 Skills/Spells.
At Level 3, Brawlers can learn a custom skill/spell from their Subclass' Ability List’ Ability list. They increase their AP by +1
At Level 4, Brawlers can choose between the Jaunt Feature or the Daunt Feature.
Jaunt: Using electric energy, you can “zip” anywhere within 20 ft of your original location in a second. All enemies you pass with Jaunt take 1d4 magical damage. Only allies or exempted targets can use a Reaction during Jaunt. You can use this twice every long rest as a bonus action or Reaction.
Daunt: Once per long rest, as a bonus action, you can target up to three people you’re in the line of sight of and make them roll a Courage Save. All targets who fail are Overwhelmed for 2 turns or until they roll a successful Courage Save.
By time your Brawler reaches Level 6, their more novice days are far behind them, and they’re starting to perfect their craft. They can choose between increasing their Speed by +2 or Dexterity by +2.
At Level 9, Brawlers can choose between the Another Feature or the Retribution Feature.
Another: Twice per long rest, as a free Reaction, you can roll for one Strength Check against a physical attack. If you succeed, you take half damage and won’t be pushed back from any force from the attack. The assailant becomes Terrified.
Retribution: Once per long rest, as a bonus action, you can take 2x the damage inflicted on you. Your next successful physical attack Deals 3x the damage to the one who initially attacked you. This acts as a free and immediate Reaction and cannot be saved for the next or later turns.
At Level 10, Brawlers can learn a custom skill/spell from their Subclass' Ability List.. They can choose between increasing their Reaction by +1 or Strength by +3.
At Level 15, Brawlers begin striking fear upon their lessers on sight thanks to their confident presence and overwhelming power emanating out of them as they encroach upon the enemy. They can choose between the Last Chance Feature or the True Rush Feature
Last Chance: Once per Long Rest, if Health falls below 0, restore it back to 1 without having to consume SP. All further damage dealt to you is reduced to 0 until your next turn.
True Rush: Whenever you roll for initiative, add +10 to the sum. Permanently increase Speed by +5.
At Level 20, can learn a custom skill/spell from their Subclass' Ability List.. Increase Reaction by +2 and Strength by +2.
At Level 21, Brawlers have perfected their fighting style and even The Brute seems like they know the art of fighting better than an intermediate Martial Artist. Brawlers who have ascended past what is expected of them can choose between the Know Order Feature or The Silencer Feature.
Know Order: Permanently increase Rate by +20 and increase Health, ATK, or Survival by the newly added rate 3 times. You can choose which Scores are increased and which ones are ignored in favor of increasing a Score two or three times. Increase Reaction by +2.
The Silencer: Permanently increase Rate by +10 and increase Health, ATK, or Survival by the newly added rate 2 times. You can choose which Scores are increased and which ones are ignored in favor of increasing a Score twice. Once per long rest, as a bonus action, you use your hands and/or feet to annihilate one opponent. Target without a Death Ward must roll a Death Save higher than 20 or be instantly killed (1d20 + Survival). If target makes their Save or has a Death Ward, they take 150 physical damage.
Blade Masters
At Level 1, Swordmasters barely know how to carry a blade, let alone do anything too sophisticated with it. However, anyone with good eyes will see the potential within them. They can choose 4 Universal Abilities and 3 Level 1 Abilities from their Subclass before the campaign begins. Every time a Swordmaster levels up, they can add or switch out a Skill/Spell from their Class’ Ability List that is equal or less than their current level. Characters cannot exceed 12 Skills/Spells.
At Level 3, Swordmasters can learn a custom skill/spell from their Subclass' Ability List.. They can choose between increasing their Dexterity by +2 and Speed by +1, or Reaction +1.
At Level 6, Swordmasters can choose between increasing their Dexterity by +3, Speed by +2, and Reaction +1, or learning a custom Skill/Spell from their Subclass.
At Level 10, Swordmasters can choose between increasing their Dexterity by +2, Speed by +2, Reaction by +1, and Defense by +1, or learning a Finishing Blow from their Subclass.
At Level 15, Swordmasters can choose between increasing their Dexterity by +4, or Reaction by +1 and Speed by +2.
At Level 20, Swordmasters increase their Dexterity by +5, Reactions by +2, Speed by +2, and Defense by +2. They also learn a Finishing Blow from their Subclass.
At Level 1, Civilians are the underdogs in a group of underdogs. They receive 1 Universal Ability and 1 Level 1 Civilian Ability. Civilians can add or replace an Ability every odd-numbered level. The Ability Level cannot exceed the character’s current Level. Characters cannot exceed 12 Skills/Spells.
At Level 3, Civilians learn a new custom skill/spell from their Subclass. They can choose between increasing their Courage by +1 or Insight by +2.
At Level 4, Civilians increase their Rate by +1 and can choose between the Dumb Luck Feature or the Reluctant Hero Feature.
Dumb Luck: Once every Long Rest, as a Bonus Action, Dodge one avoidable attack without having to roll.
Reluctant Hero: Once every Long Rest, as a Bonus Action, you or one ally can reroll one attack, Save, or Check as long as your character is within eyesight.
At Level 6, Civilians are starting to get the hang of intense situations. Many don’t like it, but they deal, and find better ways to handle future situations from past intensities. They can choose between increasing their Insight by +3 or Reaction by +1.
At Level 9, Civilians can choose between the Arrogant Stride or the Sit And Think Feature.
Arrogant Stride: The Civilian gets used to danger being thrown their way and, once per Long Rest, as a Bonus Action, they can move up to 5ft + their Score Speed to avoid a regular attack or incoming obstacle without having to roll.
Sit And Think: As a Bonus Action, once per Long Rest, character sits down in the battlefield and increase their Insight Score by +10 for three turns or until the end of the battle. Additionally, they can discern the strengths, weaknesses, and wellbeing of one enemy until slain.
At Level 10, Civilians learn a new custom skill/spell from their Subclass’ Ability List. They can choose between increasing their Courage by +3 or Insight by +3.
By time Level 15 rolls around, your Civilian has been around the block. They’re so done with the absurdities they have survived. They ended up stronger than they ever intended to be, and now their enemies have to pay for it. At Level 15, Civilians receive +3 to Rate and can choose between increasing their Dexterity by +3 or Defense by +3.
At Level 20, Civilians learn a new custom skill/spell from their Subclass. Their Rate and Inspiration increases by +1, and can choose between increasing their Defense by +5 or Speed by +5.
At Level 21, opponents are no longer dealing with the ordinary civilian anymore. They are just as much a legendary hero as their peers, and their humble beginnings hardly reflect what people see when they witness the “Civilian” before them. Civilians that make it this far receive +3 to Rate and can choose between the Legend in the Making or the Gone Home Feature.
Legend in the Making: Receive +3 to Rate and reset character’s Level to 1. Character maintains their Active and Passive Scores, and can choose a different Class. Unlike with multiclassing, Legend in the Making allows you to obtain the Penalties and Bonuses of the new Class and its Subclass. Additionally, when leveling up in the new Class, they receive the Features and Spells/Skills as if it were their initial starting Class. Abilities that can be learned or switched out is determined solely by the new Level. The new Class is never considered a multi-class. Character permanently loses Civilian as a Class.
Gone Home: The Civilian’s quest is over, or perhaps they had enough adventuring for a lifetime. They’re going home. Entire party receives a permanent +4 to Rate, including the player’s new character. Additionally, the player receives +3 Inspiration and +10 to Survival for their next character.
At Level 1, Mages are far clumsier and less refined than those with proper combat experience. They can choose 4 Universal Abilities and 3 Level 1 Abilities from their Subclass before the campaign begins. Every time a Mage levels up, they can add or switch out a Skill/Spell from their Class’ Ability List that is equal or less than their current level. Characters cannot exceed 12 Skills/Spells.
At Level 3, Mages can learn a custom skill/spell from their Subclass' Ability List.. They can choose between increasing their Reaction by +1 or Speed by +2.
At Level 4, Mages increase their Dexterity by +3. They can choose between one of the following features available in their Subclass:
Assault Mages:
Burning Burst: Once per long rest, as a bonus action, you can burst forward with your body 1 foot off the ground up to 30 feet. The trail you leave behind is engulfed in either magical fire or magical scorching wind until your next turn. While Burning Burst is taking you from one location to the next, you can attack anyone within range of your physical or magical attacks with advantage. AP costs do not change if you choose to do this, and enemies can use a Reaction or counterattack against Burning Burst with disadvantage.
Punish: Twice per long rest, as a free Reaction, you can cast a spell without expending SP if an opponent attacks and misses you, or you still have half your max Health. This can be any spell as long as you have the required SP and the AP cost is 1 or less. When using Punish, opponent can only use a regular Reaction to evade the counterattack. Regular free Reactions that come from comparing your Dexterity and their Speed does not go into effect during Punish.
Protection Mage:
Endure: Once Per long rest, as a bonus action, you withstand an attack that should have rendered you dead or unconscious. All following attacks against you are made with disadvantage until the start of your turn.
Healer’s Rage: Twice per long rest, as a bonus action, you can decrease your Health by half your maximum Health Score in order to have 4 AP. This effect lasts 2 turns.
Manipulation Mage:
Underestimated: Once per long rest, as a bonus action, you can redirect a magical spell a level above you back at the enemy. The spell must be 1 level above your own or lower. If the character does not know if the spell qualifies, they can spend a Reaction on an Arcana check. If their Arcana Score + 1d20 > the spell level, they can know what level spell it is before deciding to use Underestimated. If Underestimated is used for a spell that’s too high, they take an additional d12 damage, but can try to use Underestimated again.
Mental Flex: Three times per long rest, as a bonus action, you can sense when people are trying to sneakily attack you with magical attacks and redirect a spell that is equal or less than your current level without having to turn around. Alternatively, you can use a Free Reaction to try and dodge the attack. (Your Dodge Score)
At Level 9, Mages are far past paltry tricks that people clap for in parties. They’re threats that even the military will take note of. They increase their Dexterity by +3 and Reaction by +1. They can choose between one of the following features available in their Subclass:
Assault Mage:
Prolong: Magical weapons made of an element from the Ability List now last the entire battle when conjured.
Belittle: Spells that are less than half your current level no longer damage or affect you. They become sparks of magical energy that safely fly by you into the wind.
Protection Mage:
The Calming Light: Once per long rest, as a bonus action, heal as many targets as you wish 100 Health and cast Buff on yourself. (Buff: Increases Defense and Attack Scores by x2 for 3 turns.)
Faith in All: Once per long rest, using all SP and AP, and dropping your current Health down to 1, fully heal all allies. They all also receive “Immunity” and “Rush”, which doubles their Speed score, grants them 4 AP, and immunity against all Ailments except Fragile for 3 turns. However, you yourself cannot heal or receive benefits from yourself or others for 3 turns.
Manipulation Mage:
Empower: Three times per long rest, as a bonus action, touching a target with your hand can convert an Ailment (except Death) into a Blessing (except Relife) and vice versa of your choice. When you do so, you can choose to heal or damage them 50 Health.
True Grit: Trying to manipulate elements or attacks above your current level no longer come at a disadvantage. Once per long rest, when you spend an available Reaction, you can roll with advantage while trying to manipulate spells higher than your level.
At Level 10, Mages can learn a custom skill/spell from their Subclass' Ability List.. They can choose between increasing their Reaction by +1 or Speed by +2
At Level 15, Mages are already considered dangerous entities in a class of their own. Just being in one’s presence is enough to send chills down the spine of enemies. Mages can learn a custom skill/spell from their Subclass' Ability List. They can choose between increasing their Reaction by +2 or learn a Finishing Blow.
At Level 18, Mages gain +2 Dexterity and +1 Reaction. They can choose between one of the following features available in their Subclass:
Assault Mage:
No Mercy for the Damned: Spells that are lower than your current level deal no damage. They become specks of magical energy that sway into the wind behind you. Once per long rest, as a bonus action, you can cast “Reaper” on the target that attacked you. (Reaper: Inflicts the ailment: “Death” if target doesn’t make a Survival Save of 17.)
Bestow Hell: Once per long rest, you can collect the energy of your allies. Spend all of your AP and current SP. Each willing ally will be able to give you SP in multiples of 50 as a Free Reaction for Bestow Hell only. They must spend a Reaction to take part when you first use Bestow Hell. Spend three turns doing nothing and recovering nothing. (You cannot move, attack, or regain Health or SP). On your 4th turn, deal the total sum of the donated SP and your spent SP to one opponent. This attack is unavoidable and ignores manipulation, counter, and Reaction effects.
Protection Mage:
Sacrifice: Once per long rest, as a free Reaction or Bonus Action, you can save your allies. If you have over half your maximum Health, you fall unconscious with 0 Health after the spell ends. If you have less than half your maximum Health, you remain conscious, but your body becomes specks of bright light that ascends to the sky through the course of 30 seconds after using Sacrifice. When your body is like this, you cannot attack, heal, or move past the spot you’re on. When the 30 seconds pass, your character is no more and they are considered dead. If an enemy comes within 10 feet of you, or already in range when the spell initiates and does not use a regular Reaction to dodge, they suffer 1000 damage as a burst of energy engulfs them in unrestrained magical energy. Sacrifice fully heals anyone alive you want healed, ends all ailments, and brings any dead characters back with half Health as long as they’ve only been dead for a minute or less. If Sacrifice claims your life, your next character receives +2 Inspiration and +2 Rate.
Endure. Endure. Endure: Once per long rest, as a free Reaction or Bonus Action, march forward and endure. Any damage you take for 2 turns cannot bring your Health down any lower than 1. Any allies that are (or remain) within 5 feet of you during this time will receive 50 Health each of your turns and also cannot drop to or below 0 Health. Unconscious allies you walk within 10 feet of you recover 50 Health and awaken. Opponents that attacked you during Endure must roll a Wisdom Save or be Overwhelmed. (Overwhelmed: Puts character in a state of shock over target’s power or over a situation beyond their expectation and prevents them from moving a muscle. Character must make a Wisdom Save to either not be affected, or to lose the ailment when their turn first starts. Inflictor rolls Charisma against the target’s Wisdom.)
Manipulation Mage:
Muscle Memory: Using manipulation magic now only cost half SP.
How It’s Done: After a successful manipulated spell hits the opponent, it deals twice the damage it would have done to you.
At Level 20, Mages learn a Finishing Blow from their Subclass. Increase Reaction by +1 and SP by 50.
At Level 21, Mages become the weapons of war. The people who are penned in history for amazing feats and impossible implementation of magic. A mage of this caliber is no mere mage, but a savior, or a demon, depending on who’s asking. Their Dexterity increases by +5, their Rate by +15, and they can choose between one of the following features available in their Subclass:
Assault Mage:
The Unamused: Spells from the Ability List below Level 21 no longer cost SP to cast. You are now able to discern the level of any spell you can see on sight. Those that attack you with a spell lower than you current level who are lower level than you themselves, can be attacked with a “Pithy Blow” at your current level as a free Reaction.
Mage’s Dance: Your AP per turn is now 3. You can now use 2 actions per Reaction instead of 1 as long as they’re spells.
Protection Mage:
Those Who Protect: Your AP per turn is now 4. Once per long rest, as a free Reaction or Bonus Action, while protecting someone or yourself, your next attack does 3x the damage. If the attack is successful, you and all allies within 20 feet recover 50% of their maximum Health and SP score from the energy that escapes from the impact. Enemy is pushed back 30 feet and are considered Downed.
Eyes on the Storm: All spells equal or less than your current level costs 0 SP to cast. Once per long rest, using all your AP on your turn, you create a spiraling tempest around a 100-foot radius. Targets you want healed receive 50 Health when their turn starts, and targets you want attacked lose 50 Health when their turn starts. This lasts until the end of combat or when you fall unconscious.
Manipulation Mage:
Art of the Spell: You can now manipulate two spells during a Reaction. If there isn’t a second spell, you may cast another one if applicable. You can manipulate one spell per hand. While manipulating two spells at a time, all attacks are made with Advantage.
Overwhelming Reversal: Increase Dexterity by +2. One per long rest, as a bonus action, you can manipulate any number of magical or physical projectiles thrown towards you for 5 seconds and send them back for 3x damage if they hit. Roll to hit for each enemy.