Blade Master Spells & Abilities
All Blade Masters
Tier: Level 1
Classes: Blade Masters
Type: Ability
AP Cost: 1
SP Cost: 0
Dex Bonus: n/a
Range: Self
Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a
Description: Your favored battle stance helps you hit more accurately. Your next roll to hit can add 1d6 to its sum as long as you use this ability before the roll.
Tier: Level 1
Classes: Blade Masters
Type: Physical
AP Cost: 0
SP Cost: 1
Dex Bonus: n/a
Range: Self, 5ft
Higher SP Cost Bonus: 1 SP per additional 1d4 to add to Dodge for that interaction. (Must be declared and rolled before the enemy’s roll.)
Description: This counts as a free Reaction. You block or deflect an attack made against you, be it from your weapon or your own magic. Roll 1d4 and add it to your Dodge Score for that interaction.
Tier: Level 1
Classes: Blade Masters
Type: Physical
AP Cost: 0
SP Cost: 0
Dex Bonus: n/a
Range: Self, 5ft
Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1SP per additional 1d6 to remove damage.
Description: This counts as a free Reaction. While running towards a Target, you use your weapon to reduce damage you would have taken from a Reaction or other immediate attacks. As long as you have this skill, you can automatically remove 1d6 from the total damage inflicted upon you.
Tier: Level 2
Classes: Blade Masters
Type: Physical
AP Cost: 0
SP Cost: 0
Dex Bonus: n/a
Range: Self, 5ft
Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a
Description: Cancel and change your ability/attack midway. Spending a Reaction per usual, you can change your attack/skill to another skill you have and gain your spent AP/SP back. If you have already rolled to hit, you can use this ability if the sum was greater than the Target’s Dodge.
Doing so allows the following:
-Bonus 1d4 when rolling to hit with the ability meant to actually hit the Target. (If you didn’t roll to hit already)
-True Advantage (3d20) towards your next roll to hit meant to actually hit the Target. (Only if you’ve rolled to hit and succeeded in beating their Dodge)
Tier: Level 3
Classes: Blade Masters
Type: Physical
AP Cost: 1
SP Cost: 0
Dex Bonus: n/a
Range: Self, 5ft
Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a
Description: Make your weapon easier for mages to add an element to by bestowing arcane magic within it. Until the end of your next turn, any elemental magic within 10 feet of your weapon is absorbed and the weapon shares physical traits to said elemental magic. This effect goes into effect no matter how many elements are nearby it.
Once the spell wears off, the weapon returns to its original form.
Freelancer Spells/Abilities
Tier: Level 1
Classes: Blade Masters
Type: Physical
AP Cost: 1
SP Cost: 0
Dex bonus: n/a
Range: Self, 5ft
Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a
Description: You swing wildly and unpredictably. Double the sum of the roll you made to hit. On hit, deal your ATK -1d10
Tier: Level 1
Classes: Freelancers
Type: Physical
AP Cost: 1
SP Cost: 0
Dex Bonus: n/a
Range: Self, 5ft
Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a
Description: Anytime you use your weapon in an unorthodox manner outside of attacking, add 1d12 to the consequential Save or Check. This applies to Strength, Stealth, or Flexibility Scores.
Tier: Level 2
Classes: Freelancers
Type: Physical
AP Cost: 2
SP Cost: 0
Dex Bonus: n/a
Range: Self, 5ft
Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a
Description: You haphazardly swing your blade in hopes of getting some distance between you and your Target. The wild nature of it forces the Target to roll a Courage Save (Against your Intimidation Check). On success, your Target moves away from your swing and you can move away from them up to 20ft. Target cannot proceed with their attack or make further attacks until the end of the round.
Tier: Level 4
Classes: Freelancer
Type: Magic
AP Cost: 2
SP Cost: 2
Dex Bonus: n/a
Range: 30ft, line of sight, single enemy
Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1SP per additional 1d8 for damage.
Description: You take to the air and land your weapon down on your Target. You can jump at least 20ft in the air and choose one Target to attack. While landing, roll to hit. On hit, deal 2d8 + ATK.
Blade Dancer Spells/Abilities
Tier: Level 1
Classes: Blade Dancer
Type: Physical
AP Cost: 1
SP Cost: 0
Dex Bonus: n/a
Range: 5ft
Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a
Description: Keep enemies from being able to react thanks to a calculated strike from your weapon. On hit, deal 1d6 + ATK. The Target’s dodge is subtracted by 5 until the end of their next turn.
Tier: Level 1
Classes: Blade Dancer
Type: Physical
AP Cost: 1
SP Cost: 1
Dex Bonus: n/a
Range: 5ft
Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a
Description: Roll an Art Check against the opponent’s Arcana Save. On success, all offending elemental spells up to level 5 are twirled around you by your expert use of the blade.
The environment is subjected to the harmless remains of the spell as it flies everywhere around you. (Up to a 10ft radius).
Your weapon itself is given that elemental element until the end of your next turn. You can now add 1d4 to all rolls for damage.
Tier: Level 2
Classes: Blade Dancer
Type: Physical
AP Cost: 1
SP Cost: 0
Dex Bonus: +1d4
Range: 5ft radius
Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1SP per additional 1d4 damage.
Description: You spin in place once and cut down all who are in range in a dazzling display of skill. On hit, deal 1d4 damage.
Tier: Level 5
Classes: Blade Dancer
Type: Physical/Magic
AP Cost: 2
SP Cost: 2
Dex Bonus: n/a
Range: 10ft, Straight Line
Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a
Description: Strike twice! The second more painful than the last, but both pierce the wind and let out a sound that could only be described as the wind crying. Run up an additional 10ft or less. All those who were in range are affected by this ability.
Roll to hit. On hit, deal your ATK. Those who were hit by the first attack are automatically hit again by a delayed cutting wind for 1d12+ATK.
Knight Spells/Abilities
Tier: Level 1
Classes: Knight
Type: Physical/Magic
AP Cost: 1
SP Cost: 1
Dex Bonus: n/a
Range: 5ft
Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1SP per additional 1d8 of reduced damage.
Description: This counts as a free Reaction. Greatly reduce damage for yourself or those immediately behind you. If you don’t need to move, this spell negates 1d8 of damage. If you do, it negates 1d4 of damage. Those behind you that would have been affected by the attack otherwise suffer half the amount you do.
Tier: Level 1
Classes: Knight
Type: Magic
AP Cost: 1
SP Cost: 1
Dex Bonus: n/a
Range: Self
Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a
Description: Add 1d6 to attack or damage rolls.
Tier: Level 3
Classes: Knight
Type: Physical
AP Cost: 2
SP Cost: 2
Dex Bonus: n/a
Range: Weapon Range, half circle
Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1SP Per Additional 1d6 damage
Description: You spin you and/or your weapon in a half circle and hit everyone in its range. On hit, deal 1d12 + ATK.
Tier: Level 5
Classes: Knight
Type: Physical
AP Cost: 2
SP Cost: 3
Dex Bonus: n/a
Range: 5ft
Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1 SP per additional Target or additional buff, without having to spend an additional AP.
Description: You remind the Target why you are a knight and bring your weapon down on them with all your might. On hit, Deal 1d4 x Patience + ATK.