Mages Spells & Abilities


All Mages

  • Tier: Level 1

    Classes: Mage, Seer, Summoner, Trickster

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 1

    SP Cost: 1

    Dex Bonus: +1d4 for Mages

    Range: 50 ft, Straight Line, 1 Target

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1SP per additional 1d6.

    Description: A burning flame the size of the caster's hand is conjured from anywhere within a 5 foot radius of the caster and thrown in any direction the caster chooses. On hit, its target takes 1d6 x1d4. Player can choose to sacrifice a d10 meant for damage and add it to the roll to hit instead.

  • Tier: Level 1

    Classes: Mage, Seer, Summoner, Trickster

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 1

    SP Cost: 1

    Dex Bonus: +1d6 for Mages

    Range: 25 ft, Radius, Any target within range

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1SP per additional d4.

    Description: Any area in range can be assaulted by large crossing shards of ice that skewer foes. Caster can decide where,who, and how many the ice targets. On hit, Target(s) take 2d4 damage x1d6.

  • Tier: Level 1

    Classes: Mage, Seer

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 1

    SP Cost: 1

    Dex Bonus: 1d10

    Range: 50 ft, Straight Line, multiple Targets

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1SP per additional d4

    Description: The Caster points in any direction and a spark of electrical power the shape and size of a tennis ball shoots forward at lightning speeds.On hit, deal 2d4 damage +ATK.

  • Tier: Level 1

    Classes: Mage

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 1

    SP Cost: 1

    Dex Bonus: 1d12

    Range: Line of sight

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1SP per additional Target past 1

    Description: Any plant life smaller than 10ft can be conjured to create soil, branches, trees, leaves, flowers, plants, ect. If attempting to grapple, the Target must make a Strength Save. On failure, they are trapped in place until their next turn or until the caster releases them. If attempting to deal damage, roll to hit. On hit, deal your ATK.

  • Tier: Level 2

    Classes: Mages

    Type: Physical-Magical

    AP Cost: 1

    SP Cost: 0

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: n/a

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a

    Description: Lose half your current Health Score to regain all of your SP. You must have at least half your maximum Health Score to use this ability.

  • Tier: Level 2

    Classes: Mages

    Type: Physical-Magical

    AP Cost: 0

    SP Cost: 2

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: n/a

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a

    Description: As a free Reaction, without using AP, the Mage uses additional SP to power their spells with their ATK. When using “Magic Essence”, you consume 2 SP before casting the spell you want to affect. Cast the spell like normal, including paying whatever costs it requires. On hit, deal ATK damage on top of its regular damage.

    This spell only works on spells and abilities that do not specifically calculate damage using the ATK Score.

Assault Spells/Abilities

  • Tier: Level 1

    Classes: Assault Mage

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 1

    SP Cost: 1

    Dex Bonus: 1d6

    Range: 50 ft, Straight Line, multiple Targets

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1SP per additional 1d8.

    Description: The Caster points in any direction and a line of violent electrical sphere of power will propel forward at lightning speeds.On hit, deal 1d8 damage x1d4. Caster can trade the 1d8 damage for 1d8 to hit.

    All damaged by the spell lose -2 Dodge until the caster’s turn ends. If it isn’t the caster’s turn (Reaction/Combo), they lose -2 Dodge until the Combo ends.

  • Tier: Level 1

    Classes: Assault Mage

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 2

    SP Cost: 1

    Dex Bonus: 1d12

    Range: 25 ft, Radius, multiple Targets

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1SP per additional d12.

    Description: Almost without warning, the ground around the Caster becomes engulfed in sharp ice as tall as the target(s) they choose to attack. Caster can choose not to attack certain Targets. On hit, deal 1d12 x1d4.

  • Tier: Level 2

    Classes: Assault Mage

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 1

    SP Cost: 2

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: 70 ft, Straight Line that splits off into 3 separate lines, multiple Targets

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1SP per additional d10.

    Description: A wheel made of ‘sharp’ flames and half the size of the caster appears in front of them. At will, the wheel will spin in any direction the caster chooses and, at will, the wheel will split until there are 3 half the original size. The original will continue going straight, but the other two will resume diagonally until the caster wishes it away. Once the split occurs, the two diagonal wheels must continue along their paths until sent away or they reach their range. On hit, its target(s) take 2d8 damage x1d4.

  • Tier: Level 4

    Classes: Assault Mage

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 1

    SP Cost: +2 Per Ice Blade

    Dex Bonus: +1d4 while blade is out

    Range: Self

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1SP per additional attack after the first successful 3.

    Description: Until three successful attacks have concluded, the caster conjures a deadly blade made entirely of extremely cold ice. The handle is cool to the touch for any Target of their choice, and the grip is not slippery. It can take the shape of any sharp weapon as long as it doesn’t exceed 6ft. Guarding with the blade adds 1d4 to your Dodge Score and each successful attack made with the blade does 2d12 x1d4.

Manipulate Spells/Abilities

  • Tier: Level 1

    Classes: Manipulation Mage

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 0

    SP Cost: 1

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: 15ft

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1SP per additional 10ft or retry/reroll.

    Description: Level 1 elemental spells can be intercepted without spending a Reaction as long as the caster spends 1SP each time they use it. Both casters roll 1d20 + Arcana Score. The higher roll (re)gains control over the spell. If Manipulation succeeds, you can redirect it however you see fit, as long as it stays within range. If you attack and hit a Target with the manipulated spell, the original caster must roll damage as if the spell were still in their control. That damage is then inflicted upon the Target you specified.

    A manipulated spell will remain under your control until the end of your next turn or until it is used to attack a Target.

  • Tier: Level 1

    Classes: Manipulation Mage

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 1

    SP Cost: 1

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: 50ft, Follows Target

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1SP per additional 50ft

    Description: An elemental spell under your control will follow a Target/Object by spiraling around it automatically. It must reasonably be able to swirl around the Target, and must stay within range or else the effect fails. If the Target successfully attacks with the spell in effect, damage is calculated by both the regular attack and the spell that is being manipulated +1d12. (You roll the d12)

  • Tier: Level 1

    Classes: Manipulation Mage

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 1

    SP Cost: 1

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: 50ft

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1SP per additional 25ft

    Description: A successfully manipulated spell can become more powerful. Choose a manipulated spell and add the sum of your ATK x 1d6 to whatever damage the spell dealt to a Target.

Protect Spells/Abilities

  • Tier: Level 1

    Classes: Protection Mage

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 1

    SP Cost: 1

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: 50 ft, Radius, Any Target

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1SP per additional +20ft, or additional Target.

    Description: You can heal injured Targets and/or wake them from Unconsciousness. Heal 10 + ATK to any Target of your choice as long as they’re in range.

  • Tier: Level 1

    Classes: Protection Mage

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 1

    SP Cost: 1

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: 50 ft, Target

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1SP per additional d4.

    Description: The Caster protects any Target within range with a superior crystallization of their own magic. It takes the form of a small wall that can curve around the Target if the Caster so chooses. Add 2d6 to the Target’s Dodge Score. This effect lasts until after they’re attacked. Caster can choose whether or not this spell follows its Target or stays stationary.

  • Tier: Level 3

    Classes: Protection Mage

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 1

    SP Cost: 2

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: Self

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1SP Per Additional Turn

    Description: The Caster acts with urgency and casts magic quicker. For their next 4 turns (this turn counting as one of them), their max AP is considered to be increased by 2. Once the 4 turns end, AP returns back to its original value.

  • Tier: Level 3

    Classes: Protection Mage

    Type: Magical

    AP Cost: 1

    SP Cost: 1

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: Self, Line of Sight

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1 SP per additional Target or additional buff, without having to spend an additional AP.

    Description: Only during combat, a target has one of the following Scores increased or decreased by +2 for two turns:

    ATK, Speed, Dexterity, or a Passive Score.

    If using the bonus, the effect can stack onto the same score as long as you have the SP to expend.