Psychic Spells & Abilities
All Psychics
Tier: Level 1
Classes: Psychics
Type: Magic
AP Cost: 1
SP Cost: 0
Dex Bonus: n/a
Range: 50ft
Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a
Description: Discern a character’s stats and abilities. Player characters can optionally make an Arcane save to prevent the spell from working. DM controlled characters cannot.
Tier: Level 1
Classes: Psychics
Type: Magic
AP Cost: 1
SP Cost: 1
Dex Bonus: n/a
Range: 50ft Line of Sight, 1 Target
Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a
Description: Attack someone’s mental state with imagined pain. On hit, deal 1d12 x1d4.
Tier: Level 2
Classes: Psychics
Type: Magic
AP Cost: 1
SP Cost: 0
Dex Bonus: n/a
Range: 25ft Radius, Environment/Target(s)
Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1SP per additional 25ft
Description: Discern when arcane energy in your immediate area is fluctuating.
Tier: Level 5
Classes: Psychics
Type: Magic
AP Cost: 2
SP Cost: 0
Dex Bonus: n/a
Range: 50ft
Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a
Description: You can choose up to three Targets to discern the stats and abilities to.
Tier: Level 10
Classes: Psychics
Type: Magic
AP Cost: 2
SP Cost: 5
Dex Bonus: n/a
Range: 50ft
Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1 SP Per additional +1d4 or 30 Seconds.
Description: Hear the general thoughts of what a Target is thinking for up to 30 seconds. Both the Target and caster roll against each other’s Arcana Score. This spell fails if the Target’s roll is higher. If the caster’s roll is lower than 7, the Target can become aware of the attempt to read their mind. This can only be used once every long rest unless the Cinematic Score has been increased at least 5 times.
Mind Breaker Spells/Abilities
Tier: Level 1
Classes: Mind Breaker
Type: Magic
AP Cost: 2
SP Cost: 2
Dex Bonus: n/a
Range: 50ft
Higher SP Cost Bonus: +2SP per additional x1d4
Description: Drop your health to 1 to inflict your pain unto another Target. Deal the lost Health you sacrificed and add x1d4 damage. If you only have 1 SP or less, you cannot cast this spell. All enemies with less than 5 Arcane are hit automatically. Everyone else must roll an Arcane Save. If they beat your roll, they take half the damage. If they double your roll or more, they take no damage.
Tier: Level 1
Classes: Mind Breaker
Type: Magic
AP Cost: 1
SP Cost: 2
Dex Bonus: n/a
Range: 15ft Radius, Single Target
Higher SP Cost Bonus: +2SP per additional Target
Description: On a successful Arcane Check, physically control your Target and have them do anything they can naturally do themselves. In addition, you can levitate them up to 15ft in any traversable direction at varying velocities. Each action you make the Target take counts as 1 AP.
Tier: Level 2
Classes: Mind Breaker
Type: Magic
AP Cost: 2
SP Cost: 4
Dex Bonus: n/a
Range: 20ft Radius, one Target
Higher SP Cost Bonus: +2SP per additional Target
Description: Drop your Health down to 1. A psychic blast creates a loud overwhelming metallic ‘clanking’ noise in their Target’s mind and causes their body to shut down. To hit, roll for Arcane instead of Dexterity. On hit, deal 1d20 x2d4.
Tier: Level 5
Classes: Mind Breaker
Type: Magic
AP Cost: 2
SP Cost: 0
Dex Bonus: n/a
Range: 20ft, Number of Targets = Arcane Score divided by 2
Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a
Description: Drop your Health by half. Round down if needed. Deal ATK x2d4 as mind shattering magic assaults the air until it reaches its enemies.
Tier: Level 5
Classes: Mind Breaker
Type: Magic
AP Cost: 2
SP Cost: 0
Dex Bonus: n/a
Range: Line of Sight, One Target
Higher SP Cost Bonus: +4SP per additional Attempt or Target without having to expend the AP.
Description: Reduce Health by 20 Points. Any Target that fails to beat your Arcane Roll has their Health Score halved. If another attempt is had, the health is reduced by 20 per attempt.
Story-Type Targets roll with advantage. (2d20 + Arcane)
Weapon Charmer Spells/Abilities
Tier: Level 1
Classes: Charmers
Type: Magic
AP Cost: 1
SP Cost: 0
Dex Bonus: n/a
Range: 50ft Radius, Weapons/Objects
Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1SP or 1AP per additional weapon
Description: Take psychic control of an unsynced weapon.(or a weapon synced to you.) While controlling said weapon, you can move it in any traversable direction within 50 ft of you. Although it costs 1 AP to summon, you can continue moving the weapon without consuming AP. However, attacking with it takes 2SP per attempt. Weapons under this spell can carry up to 200 pounds.
A manipulated spell will remain under your control until the end of your next turn or until it is used to attack a Target. You can spend 1 additional SP to control the weapon(s) for an additional turn.
Tier: Level 1
Classes: Charmers
Type: Magic
AP Cost: 2
SP Cost: 0
Dex Bonus: n/a
Range: 50ft
Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a
Description: Sacrifice 20 Health. You can choose to either increase your AP by +2, Arcane by +2, or Dexterity by +2 until the end of the battle. You cannot recover the 20 Health until this spell is willingly negated or you are unconscious.
This spell cannot stack the same Score or AP.
Tier: Level 2
Classes: Charmers
Type: Magic
AP Cost: 1
SP Cost: 1
Dex Bonus: n/a
Range: Self, 5ft.
Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a
Description: As a free Reaction, sacrifice 10 HP to block up to 3 projectiles from hitting you as your weapons appear in front of you and shield you from damage. You can repeat this ability on the same Reaction as long as you can pay the Health, AP, and SP costs.
Tier: Level 3
Classes: Charmers
Type: Magic
AP Cost: 2
SP Cost: 1
Dex Bonus: n/a
Range: 20ft, Any Target within a 5ft radius of Main Target
Higher SP Cost Bonus: +2SP per additional x1d4
Description: Sacrifice 10 HP and roll to hit with advantage as a sphere of your weapons appears around your Main Target and attacks them in a flurry of blows. On hit, deal 1d12 x1d4 to the Main Target, and 2d8 on surrounding Targets. Caster must have at least two weapons they can summon.
Tier: Level 5
Classes: Charmers
Type: Magic
AP Cost: 1
SP Cost: 0
Dex Bonus: n/a
Range: Self, 5ft
Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a
Description: Drop your health to 10. You conjure 5 blades of any element to float around you in any way you desire for 3 turns. Any skills that use Elemental Blades does not consume Health. They can move up to 25ft away from you, and on hit, deals 1d6 x1d4 per sword. (Normal/Non-Ability Attacks Only)