Sharpshooter Spells & Abilities


All Sharpshooters

  • Tier: Level 1

    Classes: All Sharpshooters

    Type: Skill

    AP Cost: 1

    SP Cost: 1

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: Self

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a

    Description: Drowning out the chaos around them, the Sharpshooter is able to focus on their next Target. Next Attack with a projectile is made with advantage.

  • Tier: Level 1

    Classes: All Sharpshooters

    Type: Skill

    AP Cost: 1

    SP Cost: 0

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: Self

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a

    Description: Focusing on how to best get out of a tricky situation, the Sharpshooter calculates the best way to avoid injury. The next Attack made against you is made with Disadvantage.

  • Tier: Level 1

    Classes: All Sharpshooters

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 1

    SP Cost: 0

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: Self

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a

    Description: The Sharpshooter conjures a magical shield that specializes in projectile protection. Projectiles that harm you via shield impact only does half the damage. However, all magical and non-projectile attacks that get through the shield do double damage.

Guard Spells/Abilities

  • Tier: Level 1

    Classes: Guard

    Type: Physical

    AP Cost: 1

    SP Cost: 1

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: Self

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a

    Description: The Guard is used to all matters of scenarios, so they use their experience and a bit of calming magic to better aim and avoid danger. Your next attack roll is made with advantage, and the next attack roll made against you is made with disadvantage.

  • Tier: Level 1

    Classes: Guard

    Type: Physical

    AP Cost: 1

    SP Cost: 2

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: Self

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1SP per additional 1d8 to heal.

    Description: The Guard shrugs off injuries thanks to past experiences. When injured, heal yourself the amount of your Survival Score. You can also move up to 10ft if you use this skill as a Reaction.

  • Tier: Level 1

    Classes: Guard

    Type: Physical

    AP Cost: 1

    SP Cost: 1

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: 150ft, Straight Line, 1 Target

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1SP Per additional d4 for damage.

    Description: The Guard applies some of their own magic to their projectile(s) for extra damage. On hit, roll 1d20 + ATK

  • Tier: Level 5

    Classes: Guard

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 1

    SP Cost: 2

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: 50ft, Straight Line, Multiple Targets

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a

    Description: The Guard is uses their own pool of magic without any physical catalyst other than their own finger of their choice. They can choose which element to apply to the spell, if any. On hit, deal 1d4 x ATK.

Shocktrooper Spells/Abilities

  • Tier: Level 1

    Classes: Shocktrooper

    Type: Physical-Magical

    AP Cost: 2

    SP Cost: 1

    Dex Bonus: -1d4

    Range: 30ft, Cone, Multiple Targets

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1SP to use Scatter Shot twice without spending an additional 2 AP.

    Description: The Shocktrooper merges their magic with their projectiles and has them attack multiple enemies in multiple parts of the body. On hit, deal 4d4 damage.

  • Tier: Level 1

    Classes: Shocktrooper

    Type: Skill

    AP Cost: 0

    SP Cost: 1

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: Current Attack’s

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1SP per use.

    Description: This counts as a free Reaction. The Shocktrooper’s weapon(s) reloads (or returns) on its own using the Caster’s magic, allowing the Shocktrooper to keep using their current action without needing an additional Action Point. This skill can be used three times total per turn.

  • Tier: Level 1

    Classes: Manipulation Mage

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 1

    SP Cost: 1

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: 50ft

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1SP per additional 25ft

    Description: A successfully manipulated spell can become more powerful. Choose a manipulated spell and add the sum of your ATK x 1d6 to whatever damage the spell dealt to a Target.

  • Tier: Level 2

    Classes: Shocktrooper

    Type: Physical-Magical

    AP Cost: 1

    SP Cost: 1

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: 60ft

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a

    Description: The Sharpshooter embeds their projectile with ice. When it hits a Target or object, it rapidly grows sharp ice up from whatever angle the projectile stopped. If the initial projectile hits, deal regular ATK. Whether or not the projectile hit the Target, the Target must roll to dodge the incoming ice spell if the projectile stopped by them. On hit, Target takes 3d4 +ATK

  • Tier: Level 5

    Classes: Shocktrooper

    Type: Magical

    AP Cost: 1

    SP Cost: 3

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: 50ft

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1 AP to protect yourself and allies from attack via magical shields. This completely protects you and allies from the attack.

    Description: The Shocktrooper sends a projectile up in the air and has it descend as pure magical rays of energy that devastates all trapped in its range. The rays come down almost as fast as the initial projectile flew up; the Shocktrooper will only have a moment to seek cover or get out of range using another available AP point. They will not be able to if stopped, they lack the AP, or there is a ceiling that rushes the rays of energy down too fast.

    Enemies will also be able to use a free Reaction during this time unless there is something that forces the rays to come down faster. All within range must roll to Dodge twice, the higher number being the first. On first hit, one of the rays shoot straight through the Target(s) and they take 2d6 damage. On second hit, the rays that hit the ground all explode and those with a second roll that couldn’t Dodge take (an additional) 2d12 + ATK.

Sniper Spells/Abilities

  • Tier: Level 1

    Classes: Sniper

    Type: Physical

    AP Cost: 1

    SP Cost: 0

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: Self

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a

    Description: “Kill the enemy.” Nothing else matters to the Sniper. Until the end of your next turn, drop your defense by -10. Until the end of your next turn, all projectile attacks The Sniper makes will do 3x damage.

  • Tier: Level 1

    Classes: Sniper

    Type: Physical

    AP Cost: 1

    SP Cost: 1

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: 150ft, One Target

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1SP per additional 1d8 for damage

    Description: With expert aim, and a bit of magic, The Sniper forces a “fake” Target to move out of the way from their incoming projectile. The true Target will be behind the fake, catching them off guard. Roll with advantage to hit the true Target. On hit, deal 2d8 + ATK.

  • Tier: Level 2

    Classes: Sniper

    Type: Physical

    AP Cost: 1

    SP Cost: 1

    Dex Bonus: +1d6

    Range: 150ft, two projectiles

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1SP per two additional projectiles

    Description: As a free Reaction, the Sniper shoots several projectiles at incoming projectiles attacking either themselves or their allies, throwing them off course or even destroying them on impact. Roll 1d20 + Dex. Every roll above 15 will stop the hostile projectile from hitting anyone in the party. If the roll is above 25, one of the projectiles will bounce off the other and hit the offending Target. In such cases, roll 2d6 + ATK for damage.

  • Tier: Level 5

    Classes: Sniper

    Type: Physical-Magical

    AP Cost: 2

    SP Cost: 3

    Dex Bonus: +1d12

    Range: 150ft Max, 1-5 Targets

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1SP per additional 1d12 for damage

    Description: The Sniper’s projectile attack begins bouncing around the area, hitting up to 5 targets with rapid near unavoidable force. On hit, deal 1d4 x ATK. This projectile can bounce off a surface 4 times before it vaporizes, hitting a different Target each time. If there are less than 5 Targets, you may attack previously attacked Targets the same way until the projectile vaporizes.