Songbird Spells & Abilities


All Songbirds

  • Tier: Level 1

    Classes: All Songbirds

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost:

    SP Cost: 2

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: Self

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1 SP per additional d6 for damage reduction

    Description: As a free Reaction, Songbirds can guard against incoming attacks that were successful. Roll 1d12 + Arcane Score. Damage taken is reduced by the results of the roll.

  • Tier: Level 1

    Classes: All Songbirds

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 1

    SP Cost: 1

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: Self

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a

    Description: If wings are still active, Songbirds can land from any distance unharmed, without having to slow down. When they land, the force of impact is redirected into the air above the Songbird, creating a loud booming sound as the force disperses into nothingness.

    If you land this way from 100ft or more in the air, anything above the Songbird when this happens is launched 50ft into the air unless stated otherwise.

  • Tier: Level 2

    Classes: All Songbirds

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 0

    SP Cost: 1

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: 50ft

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1SP per additional 50ft

    Description: Songbirds can conjure a ‘railing’ of ice directly beneath their feet and effortlessly ride it as if their very feet/shoes were skateboards. Every 25 feet of movement must make a Dex Check. If the roll is above a 10, the Songbird stays perfectly balanced. This is chiefly meant to be in the air, but can be used on or near the ground. The railing can go in any traversable direction and the rider is allowed to conjure a free burst of wind to maintain their speeds, though the burst itself does not grant any additional damage.

  • Tier: Level 2

    Classes: Mages

    Type: Physical-Magical

    AP Cost: 0

    SP Cost: 2

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: n/a

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a

    Description: As a free Reaction, without using AP, the Mage uses additional SP to power their spells with their ATK. When using “Magic Essence”, you consume 2 SP before casting the spell you want to affect. Cast the spell like normal, including paying whatever costs it requires. On hit, deal ATK damage on top of its regular damage.

    This spell only works on spells and abilities that do not specifically calculate damage using the ATK Score.

Scout Spells/Abilities

  • Tier: Level 1

    Classes: Scouts

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 1

    SP Cost: 1

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: Self

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1 SP per additional d12 for damage reduction

    Description: As a free Reaction, you can reduce your speed by half and let your wings wrap around you to reduce/negate damage. Roll 1d20 + Arcane Score and subtract the results from the damage.

    You can regain your original speed at the start of your next turn.

  • Tier: Level 1

    Classes: Scouts

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 2

    SP Cost: 0

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: 10ft

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1 SP to roll with advantage

    Description: As a free Reaction, you can roll for Stealth and add +5 to the results.

  • Tier: Level 3

    Classes: Scouts

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 1

    SP Cost: 0

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: Speed Score

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1SP per every additional 10 feet.

    Description: Using your wings’ passive powers, you can slow your descent or extend a jump length up to your Speed Score. You cannot go upwards with this ability alone.

  • Tier: Level 5

    Classes: Scouts

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 2

    SP Cost: 3

    Dex Bonus: +1d6

    Range: 30ft

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a

    Description: Pin a target down with parts/all of your wing(s). On hit, deal ATK. This Target is now considered Held in place on whatever surface you pinned them on.

Skydance Spells/Abilities

  • Tier: Level 1

    Classes: Skydance

    Type: Physical

    AP Cost: 1

    SP Cost: 1

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: 5ft

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a

    Description: A swirling swing from the Skydancer’s weapon of choice that ends with skewering unsuspecting foes. On hit, roll 2d4 + ATK.

  • Tier: Level 1

    Classes: Skydance

    Type: Physical-Magic

    AP Cost: 1

    SP Cost: 2

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: 10ft, straight line, multiple targets.

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1 SP per additional d6 for damage reduction

    Description: Spiral in any chosen direction and attack any Target in range. On hit for the first Target, deal 2d6 damage + ATK. For all additional ones, on hit, deal 1d6 Damage + ATK.

  • Tier: Level 2

    Classes: Skydance

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 1

    SP Cost: 3

    Dex Bonus: +1d4

    Range: 30ft, Cone, Multiple

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1 SP per additional d8 for damage reduction

    Description: Decreasing the lifespan of their wings, Skydancers send shards of magical feathers at opponents.On hit, deal 1d8 + ATK.

  • Tier: Level 5

    Classes: Skydance

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 2

    SP Cost: 5

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: 30ft, Radius, Multiple

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1 SP per additional 1d8 damage.

    Description: The Skydancer uses their wings’ magical energy to conjure up a swirling tempest of feathers/wings as sharp as blades. On hit, deal 2d12 + ATK.

Windsong Spells/Abilities

  • Tier: Level 1

    Classes: Windsong

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 2

    SP Cost: 0

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: Self, Any Target(s) in line of sight.

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a

    Description: Your perfected performance in the sky grants Targets an extra 1d6 that can be used for attacking or dealing damage.

  • Tier: Level 2

    Classes: Windsong

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 2

    SP Cost: 2

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: Self, Any Target(s) in line of sight.

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a

    Description: Your wings give off a serene sound that soothes all Target’s pain. Heal 1d20 + ATK.

  • Tier: Level 1

    Classes: Windsong

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 2

    SP Cost: 0

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: Self

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a

    Description: SP cost is reduced to half for the duration of the battle. If SP cost is 1, it remains 1. If the cost is 0, it remains 0.

  • Tier: Level 5

    Classes: Wingsong

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 2

    SP Cost: 4

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: Self, Any Target(s) in line of sight.

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a

    Description: Your wings give off a haunting tune and all Targets have their ATK doubled until the end of their turn. If Windsong is used for yourself, then the effect lasts until the end of your next turn.