Tank Spells & Abilities


All Tanks

  • Tier: Level 1

    Classes: Summoners

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 1

    SP Cost: 0

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: Self, 5ft.

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a

    Description: Encourage your Summoned Ally with words and/or pets. For the next two turns, they can roll to attack with a bonus +1d4.

  • Tier: Level 1

    Classes: Summoners

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 1

    SP Cost: 3

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: 10ft Radius of You

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a

    Description: This allows a Summoner to summon their Ally. If Summoner’s SP ever hits 0, regardless of reason, the Summon must leave.

  • Tier: Level 5

    Classes: Summoners

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 1

    SP Cost: 3

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: Line of Sight

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a

    Description: This allows a Summoner to summon their Ally from afar. Additionally, the Summon can appear from its dimensional rift and immediately use an Attack or Ability that costs no more than 1AP. (SP does not matter)

  • Tier: Level 15

    Classes: Summoners

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 1

    SP Cost: 3

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: Line of Sight

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a

    Description: This allows a Summoner to summon their Ally from afar and no longer limited to needing at least 1SP to stay on the field. Additionally, the Summon can appear from its dimensional rift and use an Attack or Ability that costs no more than 1AP. (SP does not matter) It still vanishes after battle.

Alteration Spells/Abilities

  • Tier: Level 1

    Classes: Summoners

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 2

    SP Cost: 1

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: Line of Sight

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a

    Description: Heal your Summoned Ally by switching your current Health with theirs. Your Ally must not have a higher current score than yours before the spell takes effect.

  • Tier: Level 1

    Classes: Summoners

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 2

    SP Cost: 0

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: Line of Sight

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a

    Description: As a free Reaction, reduce Health by 25. For three of your turns, your SP will not go below 2. You still cannot use spells that cost more than what you currently have.

    You cannot use this ability for any spells/abilities from Classes not part of the Summoner family.

Mitigation Spells/Abilities

  • Tier: Level 1

    Classes: Summoners

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 1

    SP Cost: 1

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: 30ft

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1 SP per additional damage reduction (10).

    Description: If the Summon is at least as large as an attack made against its Summoner, it will jump and protect them with a thin shield the length of the Summoner and 10ft wide. Reduce damage by 10.

  • Tier: Level 2

    Classes: Summoners

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 1

    SP Cost: 1

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: 30ft

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1 SP per additional d12

    Description: Add a d12 for your next roll to hit.

Negation Spells/Abilities

  • Tier: Level 1

    Classes: Windsong

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 2

    SP Cost: 0

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: Self, Any Target(s) in line of sight.

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a

    Description: Your perfected performance in the sky grants Targets an extra 1d6 that can be used for attacking or dealing damage.

  • Tier: Level 2

    Classes: Windsong

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 2

    SP Cost: 2

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: Self, Any Target(s) in line of sight.

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a

    Description: Your wings give off a serene sound that soothes all Target’s pain. Heal 1d20 + ATK.

  • Tier: Level 1

    Classes: Windsong

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 2

    SP Cost: 0

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: Self

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a

    Description: SP cost is reduced to half for the duration of the battle. If SP cost is 1, it remains 1. If the cost is 0, it remains 0.

  • Tier: Level 5

    Classes: Wingsong

    Type: Magic

    AP Cost: 2

    SP Cost: 4

    Dex Bonus: n/a

    Range: Self, Any Target(s) in line of sight.

    Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a

    Description: Your wings give off a haunting tune and all Targets have their ATK doubled until the end of their turn. If Windsong is used for yourself, then the effect lasts until the end of your next turn.