Utility Spells & Abilities
Level 1 Spells
Tier: Level 1
Classes: All
Type: Magic
AP Cost: 1
SP Cost: 0, Must have at least 1 SP to use.
Dex Bonus: n/a
Range: 15 ft, Straight Line, Multiple
Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1SP per additional 10 feet
Description: With a loud gust of power you kickstart your magic from behind your body and force it to propel you in any traversable direction. This does not count towards your movement for the turn. If you attack someone in range and it hits, you can deal an additional 1d6.
Tier: Level 1
Classes: All
Type: Magic
AP Cost: 0
SP Cost: 0
Dex Bonus: n/a
Range: Touch
Higher SP Cost Bonus: n/a
Description: By touching an object, you can discern if it is synced to another individual or not.
Level 3 Spells
Tier: Level 3
Classes: All
Type: Physical
AP Cost: 0
SP Cost: 0
Dex Bonus: n/a
Range: Self
Higher SP Cost Bonus: 0
Description: Your abilities and spells are given additional strength that pushes back a Target based on a Strength Check. (1-35ft)
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Level 5 Spells
Tier: Level 5
Classes: All
Type: Magic
AP Cost: 0
SP Cost: 0
Dex Bonus: n/a
Range: Self
Higher SP Cost Bonus: +1 SP to increase Dodge Score by +2 for that turn.
Description: Allows you to sense when an attack, especially of Arcane means, is too dangerous to you before it is dealt. Once per hour, you may use this ability. When you do, you can use a Free Reaction to attempt a Dodge. Target attacks as usual, but must roll against your Dodge Score instead of another type of Score. This does not work against non-damage skills or Custom/Finishing Blows unless otherwise stated.
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