Xynthology Weapons



  • Cost: 3 Gold

    Range: +5ft

    Magic: None

    Stat Bonus: +2 Dex

    Specialty: n/a

    Description: Too small to hold much magic, too small to be of help in a magical fight. But it’s available! On hit, deal half your Dex score.

  • Cost: 5 Gold

    Range: +5ft

    Magic: None

    Stat Bonus: +2 Dex

    Specialty: n/a

    Description: In ancient times, swords of little magical value could deal far more damage. But now, in the age of divinely given magic, such a simple sword is only as good as its user since it quite literally is just an extension of one’s magic. On hit, deal half your ATK Score.

  • Cost: 5 Gold

    Range: +5ft

    Magic: None

    Stat Bonus: +2 Dex, +1 Flexibility

    Specialty: n/a

    Description: Being able to hold very little magic in itself, it’s often only used for swift fighters. On hit, deal half your Art Score.

  • Cost: 5 Gold

    Range: +10ft

    Magic: None

    Stat Bonus: n/a

    Specialty: n/a

    Description: It’ll be so good! …Once you find a way to add magic to it. On hit, deal half your ATK Score.

  • Cost: 3 Gold

    Range: +5ft

    Magic: None

    Stat Bonus: +2 Dex

    Specialty: n/a

    Description: A small blade made specifically to kill things with magic in them. On hit, deal half your ATK + 2

  • Cost: 10 Gold

    Range: +5ft

    Magic: None

    Stat Bonus: +1 Dex

    Specialty: n/a

    Description: Everyone uses a magically-enhanced broadsword, but if it gets the job done, it gets the job done. On hit, deal half your ATK Score +4

  • Cost: 10 Gold

    Range: +5ft

    Magic: None

    Stat Bonus: +3 Dex

    Specialty: n/a

    Description: Finally, a blade as magical and swift as you! On hit, deal half your ATK +1

  • Cost: 10 Gold

    Range: +10ft, Half Circle

    Magic: None

    Stat Bonus: n/a

    Specialty: n/a

    Description: Not everyone has the patience for a no-frills claymore of magical origins, but you do! On hit, deal half your ATK +5

  • Cost: 5 Gold

    Range: +10ft, Radius

    Magic: None

    Stat Bonus: n/a

    Specialty: n/a

    Description: So very cool to use, yet so woefully without magic. On hit, deal half your ATK Score.

  • Cost: 17 Gold

    Range: +10ft, Radius

    Magic: None

    Stat Bonus: n/a

    Specialty: n/a

    Description: The design is so well thought out that it actually takes less magic to use its full potential than the lances that have no magic at all! Furthermore, upon hit, deal half your ATK + 3.

  • Cost: 20 Gold

    Range: 5-10ft, Single/Radius

    Magic: None

    Stat Bonus: +1 Dex

    Specialty: n/a

    Description: A blade made of pure magic. It takes the form of whatever blade costs less than Lenice’s Omni Blade does (20 Gold). Its range becomes the same range as the weapon it’s emulating. On hit, deal your full ATK.


  • Cost: 5 Gold

    Range: +100ft, Single Target

    Magic: None

    Stat Bonus: n/a

    Specialty: n/a

    Description: They say regular blades don’t work against magical individuals. Well what does that say about the smaller bullets? On hit, deal 1d4.

  • Cost: 10 Gold

    Range: +50ft, Cone

    Magic: None

    Stat Bonus: n/a

    Specialty: n/a

    Description: Not much better than a pistol without magic, the automatic only offers a potential quantity of shots fired to compensate for the costs. On hit, deal 1d4 x 1d4. The second die determines how many bullets hit the Target(s).

  • Cost: 15 Gold

    Range: +150ft, Single Target

    Magic: None

    Stat Bonus: +4 Dex

    Specialty: n/a

    Description: The sniper rifle is large enough to carry some magic. So although it isn’t special, it sure do more damage than the other non-magical equipment. On hit, deal 1d8.

  • Cost: 10 Gold

    Range: +100ft, Single Target

    Magic: None

    Stat Bonus: +2 Dex

    Specialty: n/a

    Description: The bullets contained within this items contains just enough magic to chip away at the Target. On hit, deal 3d4.

  • Cost: 10 Gold

    Range: +100ft, Cone

    Magic: None

    Stat Bonus: n/a

    Specialty: n/a

    Description: The bullets contained within this items contains just enough magic to chip away at the Target. On hit, deal 1d4 + 3

  • Cost: 20 Gold

    Range: +150ft, Single Target

    Magic: None

    Stat Bonus: +4 Dex

    Specialty: +1 SP to add 1d4 for damage. Disadvantage if Target is within 50ft of you.

    Description: The standard sniper rifle for today’s magical world. On hit, deal 2d4 + 8 damage.

  • Cost: 20 Gold

    Range: +80ft, Single Target

    Magic: None

    Stat Bonus: +2 Dex

    Specialty: n/a

    Description: Attack without fear of accuracy or range — or quantity of shots fired! On hit, deal 1d12 + Half your ATK Score

  • Cost: 5 Gold

    Range: +180ft, Single Target

    Magic: None

    Stat Bonus: n/a

    Specialty: n/a

    Description: A regular bow that doesn’t hold much magic. At all. On hit, deal 1d6.

  • Cost: 30 Gold

    Range: +180ft, Single Target

    Magic: None

    Stat Bonus: n/a

    Specialty: n/a

    Description: Not many places make bows that can withstand the magic of its handler. Lenice does, however! And the arrows are forged from the host’s very magic, making it a unique weapon that has both the concentrated dose of power on top of the actual physicality needed to wield it. On hit, deal your regular ATK.